
  • 70 Edison Pontiac, MI - Pontiac
    Burned to a crisp and who's paying attention? I wondered before with graffiti and broken out windows, kicked in doors, could it get worse and then IT DID. Now a burned out structure standing against the sky and right across the street from the park where the summer lunch program is in full swing. I always hear people talking about the welfare of children and what's healthy, look at this and tell me, is this healthy where kids sit across the street on a daily basis and breath this mess as they eat their lunch?
  • tortured corner W archiwum
    70 Edison Pontiac, MI - Pontiac
    house has graffitti, broken out windows, kicked in doors, trash, litter and debris
  • 294 Auburn Pontiac, MI - Pontiac
    I understand at one time, this was a very nicely kept home. Like many others and as days pass and it's empty, windows are broken out or removed completely, doors kicked in, even through the door, you can see it has holes in the wall, the railing going upstairs kicked off it's foundation. Just like other neighborhoods, probably kids who live in the neighborhoods and neighbors who don't call the police because by the time they get here, the vandals will be gone. You can't tell me somebody didn't see this destruction going on. A nice house if it had someone to care
  • Chamberlain And Saginaw Pontiac, MI - Pontiac
    Little building has probably sit there, abandoned, door kicked in for at least 7-8 years. Someone finally set it on fire and it is burned out, charred to a crisp. It just adds to the mess the other totally burned out, charred houses on that corner and that area. City needs to go in there and take down the 3 or 4 houses that are a danger to the kids and other residents living in that area. All are burned out. No way to repair the damage. The one house, someone has even stolen all the windows. Just don't understand how you can leave the mess from these fires on the residents who live there. What are they suppose to do?
  • 300 Block Of N. Saginaw Pontiac, MI - Pontiac
    burned to a crisp from the roof to the basement, actually there is no roof