
  • 86 Walnut Street Quincy, Massachusetts - Quincy
    Hello, I was hoping someone could possibly clarify which plastics are still allowed to be recycled, according to the number inside the reclycling symbol? The newsletter from DPW was somewhat vague to me. E.G. if my frozen food tray can be recycled, if the number is correct, then I would like to know specifics.
    Any help is appreciated!
  • 86 Walnut Street Quincy, Massachusetts - Quincy
    This is a city tree which fell a couple of years back. It is entirely rotten and being used as a guy/guide (?) wire by national grid. It is a safety hazard, eyesore and prevents the dpw from plowing the entire end of Walnut Street, as the plows cant get past it on either side, and then subsequently end up plowing us in. Just thought I would give the heads up, in case there is something that could possibly be done about it. Thank you!
  • Myrtle Street Quincy, Massachusetts - Quincy
    There are abandoned buildings on Myrtle Street. There are about 20 bags of household trash and a couch, dumped inside there recently - within the past few days.